Getting into What ? #GettingZONEDorWHAT - WhiteWolf


Bro! I think you might be friend-zoned or somewhat. The girl who meets me every day, behaves like your girlfriend, always on call, stays next to your house, doesn't mean she loves you or she has some kind of feelings for you. In simple words, she might have thought you as a friend only. And you are just over-interpreting or over-exaggerating the things. Maybe this is somewhat some kind of emotional urge that is just testing you and you don't want to get over with. Kinda . . . //
Just Hangout with you bro's, just try to divert these kinds of energy over something useful. Don't waste your valuable time on something which won't give you some meaningful output before its too late. Stop seeing her, meeting her . . . and free your mind from those matters, just think Life is just a bunch HARDCORE exam tests and commit yourself saying I'll do it and get on the front-line for facing it.
I have seen such so much people who have destroyed half of their valuable life and time thinking of girls who left them, regretting those things which weren't on their parts and paths. “Get the hell out of the suffocating hallway full of love and scream the hell out to the top of your lungs.”
But at least try to say what you feel about her, and rest of the decision is within her. you can't force somebody on something like that.
If somethings are gonna happen then it'll at the right time in the right place but don't rush on something which you have known for so short.
Maybe she has some feelings about you and you are not her type or vice-versa and don't want to hook up with you anymore because of previous shits or don’t want to.
( // Who knows what? Women's heart is the ocean of secrets. )


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